Monday, July 9, 2018

Annual Christmas Tree Lighting December 1, 2017

Riverside Annual Tree Lighting

December 1, 2017  6:00 p.m.

Welcome - Mayor Rusty Jessup
Carols by 
The Coosa Valley and Kennedy Elementary School Choirs
Director - Sadie Wall

Santa Arrives
Hot Dog Supper

Santa’s Gifts and Making Ornaments
Thank You to Our Generous Donors
Door Prizes - Raffle

      Thanks to Our Riverside Community for Making our Holiday Decorations Possible
Riverside Water Department
Riverside Beautification Organization
Riverside Fire Department
Riverside Police Department
City of Riverside
Riverside City Council

Thanks to all those that came out and joined us at the Annual Tree Lighting. The weather was mild and the childrens choir from Kennedy and Coosa Valley was wonderful. Santa made a visit to see what the children wanted for Christmas and had a few early gifts to give out. The grilled hotdogs, chips, cider, and Christmas cookies warmed us up. The Christmas lights are up on Depot Street and everything looks so festive. Hope you all have a Merry Christmas.

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